China International Business Dialogue on Environmental Governance

The China International Business Dialogue on Environmental Governance (CIBDEG) is a working group under the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) proposed and organized by Latham & Watkins. The working group is designed to facilitate and encourage dialogue between multinational businesses and Chinese environmental regulatory authorities regarding best practices in environmental regulation and performance by governments and industries, as well as the progression of environmental policy and regulation in China. For its leadership, innovation and impact, CIBDEG was recently awarded the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Europe Award for Collaboration.

The group's objectives include providing information and analysis to the Chinese government regarding environmental regulations in the United States and Europe as well as the concerns of multinational business, and providing information and analysis to multinational businesses regarding the direction of Chinese environmental regulation and enforcement priorities.

CIBDEG is founded on the belief that a transparent, fair and effective regulatory system will benefit all stakeholders, and that the open exchange of ideas will assist regulators in drafting regulations that are effective in achieving both environmental and economic development goals.

Services offered to CIBDEG Participants include the following:

  • Conferences
  • Policy Research & Publications
  • Reports and Analysis
  • Quarterly Conference Calls
  • Website