Why Join?

CIBDEG is actively seeking multinational businesses participants from the aerospace, electronics, oil and gas, chemical, consumer products, manufacturing and logistics sectors. Participating companies will pay a fee to cover the costs of legal services, administration of CIBDEG and other supporting activities. Participation in CIBDEG during any particular year does not commit a company to participate in any subsequent year.

CIBDEG will provide its members with the following services:

  • Roundtables: CIBDEG will hold one or two roundtables on environmental regulation per year, depending on scheduling and funding availability, to be attended by central and local government regulators, environmental policy researchers and academics, and CIBDEG participants. The purpose of the roundtable will be to facilitate the exchange and understanding of views on key issues relating to environmental regulation and enforcement among the various stakeholders, and to establish mutually beneficial communications channels. CIBDEG’s first roundtable event was held in Beijing on May 9, 2018, and the second was held on January 15, 2019. The third upcoming roundtable event will be held in Beijing on September 5, 2019.
  • Policy Research & Publications: Members of the Supporting Framework will regularly engage and consult with Chinese regulators, policy experts, and others in the environmental regulation field to be at the forefront of regulatory developments. In addition, Latham and ELI/PRCEE will collaborate on joint research and policy proposals.
  • Reports & Analysis: Analysis of upcoming environmental regulation and policy changes will be regularly circulated to CIBDEG participants. White papers and policy briefs will be posted to CIBDEG website and will summarize key issues, provide English translations and analyses of PRC environmental laws and regulations, discuss how new regulations are likely to be implemented, and analyze the implications for CIBDEG participants.
  • Quarterly Conference Calls: Quarterly conference calls will be scheduled for CIBDEG participants to discuss recent and upcoming developments with respect to Chinese environmental regulation. A detailed agenda of key developments to be covered in each call will be provided, including Q&A to address any particular concerns of CIBDEG participants.
  • Website: CIBDEG participants will have access to exclusive content on the CIBDEG website, which will serve as an access portal for CIBDEG white papers and policy publications, provide information on upcoming CIBDEG events, translations of environmental laws and regulations, and blog posts on recent developments in environmental laws in China.

Please contact us to for further information regarding participation in CIBDEG.